Brazil is a trove of biodiversity — habitats like the Atlantic Rainforest, urban forests like Tijuca National Park, and more coastlines, rainforests, and rivers that are rich with endemic plants and wildlife.
Organizations like Refauna are restoring the role of seed dispersers in Brazil’s largest urban park, and they’re not alone in the effort to stem the decline of the nation’s biodiversity.
Help Support Refauna
As featured in Rewilding Rio, the organization Refauna is working to restore biodiversity and critical ecological interactions that were lost in the “defaunated” of Tijuana National Park.
Learn more about their work and show your support by visiting their website today.
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Analyze Images, Help Protect Brazil's Wildlife
The coastal and marine environments in Brazil urgently need protection. The Monitore Tupinambás project aims to develop a simple, affordable tool for monitoring Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) by integrating employees, researchers, and citizen scientists. Join us in monitoring ESEC Tupinambás and safeguarding marine biodiversity in Brazil.
Learn more about the project at SciStarter.
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