Alexandra Pires was born in 1974 and, thanks to her parents, Alexandra has been passionate about animals, plants, and their interactions since she was a child. The enthusiasm for school science classes led her to study Biology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where she also received her master’s in Ecology in 1999. In 2006, Alexandra finished her doctorate in Plant Biology at the Universidade Estadual Paulista. During her postgraduate studies, she specialized in Conservation Biology, working mainly in the study of anthropogenic impacts on biodiversity and also in the restoration of interactions and ecological processes through the reintroduction of fauna. Alexandra Pires is currently an associate professor at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, where she teaches the subjects of Natural Resources Conservation and Fauna Management. One of the most rewarding things about her career was reintroducing into nature an animal that was so memorable in her childhood, as she used to play in the square where the agoutis were obtained to be taken back to the forest.